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Cloud Native OSS Playground in Minutes

Cloud Native DC

Feb 25, 11:00 PM – Feb 26, 12:30 AM (UTC)

In-person event

Guided by John Dietz, this talk will follow a step-by-step demonstration that attendees can follow on their own devices. Through a “choose your own adventure” approach, you’ll be able to tailor your learning experience to focus on the tools and integrations most relevant to your interests when you run this workshop at home.

About this event

Exploring, testing, and demoing new platform tools building can be challenging, especially when trying to create a realistic, functional environment. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to set up an extensible, GitOps-enabled internal developer platform that offers a safe yet robust playground for cloud-native development.

Modern platforms are intricate, relying on various tools like Infrastructure as Code (IaC), secrets management, certificate handling, and more. Quick-starts can provide a taste of these tools, but they often leave out essential integrations. This session will introduce the Kubefirst OSS Platform, enabling you to create a mature, repeatable platform setup that integrates key tools for cloud native delivery, including Argo CD, GitHub Runner, Argo Workflows, Crossplane, Terraform, Atlantis, Vault, and External Secrets Operator.

Format and Structure

Guided by John Dietz, this talk will follow a step-by-step demonstration that attendees can follow on their own devices. Through a “choose your own adventure” approach, you’ll be able to tailor your learning experience to focus on the tools and integrations most relevant to your interests when you run this workshop at home. 


  • John Dietz





February 25 – 26, 2025
11:00 PM – 12:30 AM (UTC)


  • Faheem Memon

    Freewheel / Comcast

    Principal Engineer

  • Matthew Cascio

    American Red Cross

    Governance & Strategy | CNCF Ambassador