Doors open at 17:30 for food, drinks and mingle. Sessions start at 18:00
Aim for KG57 for door!
Tonight's speakers are Jessica Andersson from Trice and Anders Eknert from Styra. Jessica will start off with a lightning talk and Anders will have 2 sessions around 35 min each with a break.
Everyone wants to build developer platforms, but not everyone succeeds. What pitfalls can you avoid on your journey of empowering your developers? Join this lightning talk to learn what signs to look for and what anti patterns to avoid when building internal develop platforms!
2025 marks the 10th year since the first commit was made in Open Policy Agent (OPA), sparking the movement now known as Policy as Code. The idea was simple: the rules that our systems should enforce should be part of the same systems, not Word documents or PDF files!
To an emerging Cloud Native community attempting to automate every piece of the stack, OPA helped provide exactly the guardrails needed to control deployments that were often chaotic already in the past, and now were chaotic at scale.
Somewhere around that time, Anders Eknert had spent years building both platforms and identity systems, until one day handed a seemingly impossible task: unify authorization at Megacorp’s 500+ microservices, written in different programming languages and managed by different teams all over Europe. How do you even do authorization well for a single system? Contrary to identity, there seemed to be almost no guidelines for how to design and implement access control!
This evening, Anders shares the story of OPA as well as his own, and some of the lessons learnt having worked with OPA and its policy language Rego for the past five years — both as an end-user and later as a member of the OPA team. Anders will guide you through some of the most common (and not so common!) use cases for OPA, as well as practical examples to help improve your policy authoring.
Developer Advocate
Thursday, February 27, 2025
4:30 PM – 7:30 PM (UTC)
Leader of Platform Engineering, CNCF Ambassador
Event Organizer
DevOps Engineer
Safespring AB
Event Organizer
Devies Cloud & Engineering
Etraveli Group AB
Senior Site Reliability Engineer