210 members
Cloud Native Aalborg is a meetup having focus on Cloud Native technologies. Cloud Native technologies are graduated and incubating projects, such as: Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy, fluentd and e.g. OpenTracing, Jaeger, etc. to mention a few.
Technologies and practices around the platform of platforms will also be on the agenda for the meetup group.
We are a small group of people passionate about these technologies working together with the Cloud Native Nordics team in an effort to share experiences, and provide a platform for like-minded people to present and discuss these awesome technologies.
Cloud Native Aalborg will apply for being an official Cloud Native Computing Foundation meetup group, and part of the Cloud Native Nordics community as well.
You can join the Cloud Native Nordics Slack Community for further discussions: and to share your thoughts and ideas with other people sharing the passion for this.