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Latin America

Cloud Native Vale do Paraíba


5 members






Vale do Paraíba’s Chapter of the Cloud Native Community Group is a community aimed at supporting professionals, enthusiasts, and students interested in information technology and Cloud Native projects who live in Vale do Paraíba - SP.

Our mission is to promote learning, knowledge exchange, and collaboration around Cloud Native practices and tools, such as Kubernetes, Thanos, Prometheus, Keda, Argo, K3s, cert-manager, Helm, among other technologies from the Cloud Native Foundation ecosystem.


Inclusion: Ensuring a welcoming and inclusive space for all community members.

Education: Offer workshops, meetups, lectures, and courses to equip members with best practices and new trends.

Networking: Facilitate connections among professionals, creating an environment conducive to experience sharing and partnership formation.

Collaboration: Promote collaborative projects that encourage the development of innovative solutions using cloud native technologies.

Target Audience: The Chapter is open to all interested parties, including developers, system administrators, solution architects, students, and anyone interested in learning more about cloud native technologies.

Location: Vale do Paraíba - SP, covering cities such as São José dos Campos, Taubaté, Jacareí, Guaratinguetá, Pindamonhangaba, among others.

How to Participate: To join our chapter, stay tuned to the announcements of our events on social media and our official page. Participation is free and open to all experience levels.

Join us and explore the world of Cloud Native projects in Vale do Paraíba - SP!

Past events


Kubernetes em Ação: Conceitos Fundamentais e Hands-On


Anderson Luna

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