
CNCF Online Programs



Upcoming events


Online Event (virtual)

Cloud Native Live: Finding infrastructure as code missteps

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has helped cloud adoption, but it comes with challenges. In this CNCF Live, we’ll show sample IaC and look to identify the problems in it. We’ll show you how to do this, but also how painful it can be and discuss ways you can create IaC more easily.


Online Event (virtual)

Cloud Native Live: Building a secure, reliable, observable IDP with Backstage and Linkerd

If you work in cloud native, you'll know that self-service is key for developing at scale in a microservices world. This is the whole point of the Internal Developer Platform (IDP): give developers what they need for fast, low-friction, self-service development. Make the golden path easy.


Online Event (virtual)

CNCF On demand webinar: Integrating serverless WebAssembly with SpinKube and cloud services

In this webinar, Sohan and Thorsten will demonstrate how you can run Serverless WebAssembly workloads on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) next to your containerized applications using the open-source project SpinKube.


Online Event (virtual)

CNCF On demand webinar: From improving Helm to developing Nelm- the evolution of deployments in werf

We will share how real-world challenges helped us figure out what a deployment tool should look like, and why we eventually abandoned Helm as a deployment subsystem for werf and began developing Nelm, a backward-compatible alternative to Helm.


Past events

Online Event (virtual)

Cloud Native Live: Advanced NATS - Building a Wasm native reconciliation loop

Online Event (virtual)

Cloud Native Live: Cloud Native Policy as code with Kyverno!

Online Event (virtual)

CNCF On demand webinar: Everything you need to know about Kubernetes certification

Online Event (virtual)

CNCF On demand webinar: A tale of three service meshes