
CNCF Online Programs


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Upcoming events

30 jul 2024

Online Event (virtual)

CNCF Live Webinar: Managing Validating Admission Policies (VAP) through Gatekeeper

We will explore how Gatekeeper can act as a front end for in-tree admission validation through validating admission policies (VAP) or admission webhooks, going over how to upgrade Gatekeeper to use VAP and how to manage Common Expression Language policies through Gatekeeper. You will leave understanding how to validate workload resources.

31 jul 2024

Online Event (virtual)

Cloud Native Live: Enhancing IoT with Wasm and wasmCloud

As manufacturers face the challenge of high production costs, they turn to IoT solutions like MachineMetrics to enhance operational awareness and efficiency without significant investments.

13 ago 2024

Online Event (virtual)

CNCF Live Webinar: The next move in cloud container security - hardening your stack

Cloud native technologies have revolutionized the way organizations build and deploy applications, promising unmatched flexibility and streamlined development cycles.

14 ago 2024

Online Event (virtual)

Cloud Native Live: Wasm Components across Any Cloud, Any K8s, or Any Edge with CNCF wasmCloud

WebAssembly is an emerging portable and secure way to package software that is seamlessly portable across clouds, kubernetes, and edges. In this talk, Principal Software Engineers Colin Murphy from Adobe will discuss the trade offs between Components and containers and demonstrate operating them across diverse environments using CNCF wasmCloud.


Past events

Online Event (virtual)

CNCF On demand webinar: Kubernetes policies master class

Online Event (virtual)

CNCF On demand webinar: Top 10 lessons learned from managing Kubernetes

Online Event (virtual)

CNCF On demand webinar: Continuous compliance in Kubernetes environments with KubeArmor

Online Event (virtual)

CNCF On demand webinar: How to use infrastructure from code to deploy to Amazon ECS, EKS and Lambda