
CNCF Online Programs



Upcoming events

17 abr 2024

Online Event (virtual)

Cloud Native Live: Introducing SpinKube

This webinar introduces SpinKube, a project to enable running Spin WebAssembly workloads in Kubernetes. In the webinar, we’ll introduce the benefits of running Spin WebAssembly workloads in Kubernetes, how it works, and how to get started.

18 abr 2024

Online Event (virtual)

CNCF On demand webinar: Scaling Terraform and OpenTofu with Stacks

Managing Infrastructure as Code with Terraform and OpenTofu at scale is hard. Challenges such as long-running CI/CD pipelines, large blast radius risk, and configuration sprawl make IaC projects hard to maintain and cause frustration for stakeholders. In

18 abr 2024

Online Event (virtual)

CNCF On demand webinar: The 4 biggest challenges of scaling cloud native AI workloads

CNCF recently published the Cloud Native Artificial Intelligence Whitepaper. In this webinar, we dig into some of the takeaways and share our experience with the biggest obstacles when working with AI in cloud environments. Traditional data provisioning and software testing methods don't work due to the different behavior of AI and LLM APIs.

23 abr 2024

Online Event (virtual)

CNCF Live Webinar: Accelerating game assets workflows with GenAl on Kubernetes

Learn how to harness Generative Al models like Stable Diffusion for rapid asset creation in game development and visual effects. This talk explores use cases of GenAI with Kubernetes, and the transformative potential of this technology for creative industries.


Past events

Online Event (virtual)

CNCF On demand webinar: Instrumenting observability in Kong using Fluent Bit and OpenTelemetry

Online Event (virtual)

Cloud Native Live: Bytecode Alliance on the release of WASI Preview 2 and the Component Model

Online Event (virtual)

CNCF On demand webinar: Kubernetes detection and response - identifying threats in runtime

Online Event (virtual)

CNCF On demand webinar: Honey, I’ve secured your boot