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CNCF On-Demand Webinar: Persist your data in an ephemeral K8s ecosystem

CNCF Online Programs

Jun 10, 2021, 7:00 AM – Jun 17, 2021, 6:59 AM (UTC)

Virtual event

Kubernetes and persistent storage have historically gone together like oil and water. Kubernetes is inherently an ephemeral system and persistent storage by definition must survive.

About this event

Kubernetes and persistent storage have historically gone together like oil and water. Kubernetes is inherently an ephemeral system and persistent storage by definition must survive. As a member of the Data On Kubernetes community, Eric will go into the what, why, and how to use Kubernetes for data. He will cover emerging OSS technology solutions like OpenEBS. After his talk, you should have a clear understanding of the path to successfully managing a persistent data storage solution on your Kubernetes cluster.


  • Eric Zietlow

    Director of Developer Relations