Cloud Native Live: Securing the secrets manager with KubeArmor

CNCF Online Programs

Jan 24, 5:00 – 6:00 PM

Virtual event

About this event

Sample Policy Blocking

Show recommendation of Policies and Violate and showcase them

Demo about both audit and block mode

Zero Trust

Introduction to Observability

Talk about performance and option to change visibility configuration

Create a partial process whitelisting policy

Show Default Posture Audit and Block

Complete the policy based on audit alerts

Add volume mounts protection

Show network micro segmentation

How KubeArmor came into being (MITRE story)

What's the approach KubeArmor takes (inline vs async enforcement)

What's the issue with existing solutions like PodSecurityContext

KubeArmor is v1.0. How's that a milestone for KubeArmor.