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Cloud Native Live: Linkerd 2.14 - Enterprise multi-cluster, Gateway API conformance, and more

CNCF Online Programs

Sep 26, 2023, 4:00 – 5:00 PM (UTC)

Virtual event

About this event

In this live stream, we’re going to cover the highlights of Linkerd 2.14. The latest release dramatically improves the multi-cluster experience. If your clusters work cooperatively in a flat network, 2.14 will let you do multi-cluster with direct pod-to-pod communications (and there are some added enterprise features for working with multiple availability zones, too!). Additionally, 2.14 brings Linkerd into conformance with the Mesh profile of the Gateway API, and adds a lot of features to our Gateway API support (notably including timeouts and retries!). We’ll dive into how these new things work, where they’re appropriate, and how to use them. Finally, as always, there’re a host of bug fixes and smaller features, and we’ll hit the high notes of these too.


  • Flynn


    Technology Evangelist