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CNCF Live Webinar: Kubernetes 1.28 Release

CNCF Online Programs

Sep 6, 2023, 4:00 – 5:00 PM (UTC)

Virtual event

About this event

This release consists of 45 enhancements. Of those enhancements, 19 are entering Alpha, 14 have graduated to Beta, and 12 have graduated to Stable.

The theme for Kubernetes v1.28 is Planternetes.

Each Kubernetes release is the culmination of the hard work of thousands of individuals from our community. The people behind this release come from a wide range of backgrounds, some of us industry veterans, parents, others students and newcomers to open-source. We combine our unique experience to create a collective artifact with global impact.

Much like a garden, our release has ever-changing growth, challenges and opportunities. This theme celebrates the meticulous care, intention and efforts to get the release to where we are today. Harmoniously together, we grow better.

Join Grace as we take a look into some major themes in this release.


  • Brad McCoy

    Ortelius OS

    Cloud Native Advocate

  • Grace Nguyen

    CNCF Ambassador

  • Atharva Shinde

    Kubernetes 1.28 Release Team Leader