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Cloud Native Security Kickoff Event

Cloud Native Security Pittsburgh

Sep 7, 2023, 5:30 – 8:00 PM (UTC)

Hybrid event

About this event

This is our kickoff event 🎉!

Presentation 1: How to Level Up Your Security Career: TAG Security

Have you ever wondered how the Linux Foundation secures its projects? Or how security whitepapers get written? Or how threat modelling works? Then this is the talk for you!

Long-time collaborator and current co-chair Andy will take you through his journey into the Technical Advisory Group for Security that supports the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. From how to get started, through current initiatives, and future industry directions and trends — this talk introduces it all, and shows you how collaboration with a kind community of other experts can take your career to the next level.

Presentation 2: Getting Started with Security Policy as Code

Guardrails, not gates.

You've probably heard this before, but what does it mean? How could we apply it?

In this talk Jon Zeolla will cover some of the open source tools and standards which can be used to reduce the toil of compliance, turn policy into code instead of PDFs, and guide our teams towards secure-by-default environments using paved roads and Policy as Code.


  • Andrew Martin

    Control Plane


  • Jon Zeolla


    CTO and Co-Founder



Thursday, September 7, 2023
5:30 PM – 8:00 PM (UTC)


5:30 PMDoors Open
6:00 PMHow to Level Up Your Security Career: TAG Security
7:00 PMGetting Started with Security Policy as Code
8:00 PMEvent Wrap-Up


  • Jon Zeolla


    CTO | CNCF Ambassador


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