Mar 6, 2024, 3:30 – 7:00 PM (UTC)
Easing into 2024 with a "beginner friendly" talk by Rasmus Steiniche on why you should do cloud native in 2024 followed by a session by Kasper Hermansen on DevX
16:30: Doors open
17:00: Welcome by Cloud Native Aarhus
17:10: Welcome by our host - Norlys
17:15: "New to Cloud Native? Past, Present, and Future to get you up to speed!" by Rasmus Steiniche
18:00: Break with food
18:30: “Developer Experience at Lunar: Crafting High-Efficiency Developer Workflows” by Kasper Hermansen, Lunar
20:00: Doors closes
TALK 1: "New to Cloud Native? Past, Present, and Future to get you up to speed!" by Rasmus Steiniche, Neurospace
If you never have participated in a CNCF Aarhus event before now is your time to come by and have fun!
It is close to the 10 year birthday of the Kubernetes announcement which started the Cloud Native movement.
But fret not if you have not yet tried all the fancy tech which is under the Cloud Native Computer Foundations wings.
In this talk Rasmus will take you through everything all at once past, present, and future of Cloud Native tech.
The talk will include some of the why's, what the themes have been over the years and maybe some predictions as to where we are going.
Rasmus has been part of Cloud Native Aarhus since 2018 when he did his first talk on Prometheus and helped co-found Cloud Native Nordics 5 years ago.
Since then he has founded Neurospace which helps companies build cool data platforms and do this AI stuff which he prefers to call machine learning. (edited)
TALK 2: “Developer Experience at Lunar: Crafting High-Efficiency Developer Workflows” by Kasper Hermansen, Lunar
Summary TBA
Platform Engineer
Wednesday, March 6, 2024
3:30 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)
Lead Organizer
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Red Hat
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Senior IT Operations Specialist / Platform at JYSK
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Chief Solutions Architect