Stibo is running one of the worlds largest product data setups for some of the largest customers in the world including the biggest retailers on the globe such as Adidas and Toyota.
However, when running a shared setup with or without multi-tenancy you have to figure out how to provide stellar service while also creating a cost efficient setup.
Come join us at Cloud Native Aarhus visiting Stibo Systems!
16:45 – Doors open.
17:00 – Welcome to CNCF meetup.
17:10 – Welcome to Stibo
17:15 –The many Facets of Multi-Tenancy: how do you need to shift your mind to work with multi-tenancy
18:00 – Meet the Stibo Accelerator: a place where students and companies can collaborate on innovative projects
18:30 – Break: sandwiches, drinks. Optional visit to the Stibo Accelerator
19:00 – Cleaning the Neighborhood: tales from the trenches about neighbor noise in a soft multi-tenant application
19:45 – Questions and networking
20:00 – End of meetup
20:15 – Doors closes
The many Facets of Multi-Tenancy by Torben B Haagh. Multi-tenancy has many facets, and Torben will illustrate some of the facets from a technical, process, and cultural perspective. This includes a presentation of the plan for how to deal with authentication in a combined single-tenant and multi-tenant world.
Meet the Stibo Accelerator by Karsten Dehler. The Stibo Accelerator is an initiative to give inspiration and value back to the academic institutions. Karsten talks about why and how we work with student and companies on new innovative projects.
Cleaning the Neighborhood by Nikolai Topping. Stibo’s first multi-tenant application was built as a MVP for small customers, but is now used for large enterprises. This has introduced neighbor noise issues, and Nikolai presents some of the mitigations performed to resolve the challenges.
Torben B Haagh: Director, cloud native center of excellence at Stibo Systems. Torben is leading an initiative for a unified cloud native platform, including building the patterns for operating multi-tenant cloud native capabilities next to hosted single-tenant applications.
Karsten Dehler: Director, Stibo Accelerator. Karsten is helping students and companies pushing the limits for innovation, by facilitating the right environment, network, and resources for the projects to be successful.
Nikolai Topping: Lead Software Architect, Stibo Systems. Nikolai is the leading the application architecture of Stibo’s first multi-tenant cloud-native application, including the journey of moving from a soft multi-tenant MVP for small customers to a performant mature application for enterprise customers.
Tuesday, September 27, 2022
3:00 PM – 6:00 PM (UTC)
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