Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

Not Just Platform

Cloud Native Aarhus

Sep 26, 2023, 2:30 – 6:00 PM (UTC)

In-person event

Does the "perfect" platform equal ultimate business success? Does the "perfect" platform always just sell itself? Or is there more to it?

About this event


16:30 – Doors open

17:00 – Welcome by Cloud Native Aarhus

17:10 – Welcome by our host - Orbit Lab & VELUX

17:15 – “Dude where's my cluster? Vestas' journey of adopting Kubernetes” by Nicklas Frahm, Platform Architect @ Vestas

18:00 – Break with food

18:30 – “There is more to it - How to take your platform value to the next level” by Henrik Høegh, Platform Owner @ VELUX, and Ophelia Dalsgaard, Squad Janitor @ Danske Bank

19:15 – Networking

20:00 – Doors closes

TALK 1: 

“Dude where's my cluster? Vestas' journey of adopting Kubernetes” by Nicklas Frahm, Platform Architect @ Vestas

In this talk Nicklas, the lead platform engineer of the container platform at Vestas, will provide an insight into the history of containerized workloads at Vestas and tell about the journey from having a supercomputer in the basement to providing managed Kubernetes to the business across a fleet of 15+ clusters. 

He will talk about the value proposition to the company as well as the team's learnings along the way but also what to watch out for when running Kubernetes at scale in a big enterprise.

BIO: Nicklas Frahm, Platform Architect @ Vestas

Nicklas has been a loyal CNCF Aarhus community member ever since he moved to Aarhus, and he has always been a big nerd, from Linux, Go, to grow your own cluster in your living room, to deep dive networking. 

Last summer he brought us the exiting show case of his open source k3s operator, this time he has something to say when the discussion goes beyond tech as well.

In his spare time Nicklas likes to go to Yoga, and is trying to learn Danish.

TALK 2: 

“There is more to it - How to take your platform value to the next level” by Henrik Høegh, Platform Owner @ VELUX, and Ophelia Dalsgaard, Squad Janitor @ Danske Bank

After having tasted Cloud native platform in different flavours and variants, Henrik and Ophelia have gathered their experiences and thoughts together for how to leverage more of your platform. 

Now you have all the tools - the "perfect" cloud native platform.

Now what?

BIO: Henrik Høegh, Platform Owner @ VELUX

After more then 14 years of doing consultancy work, Henrik moved on to work first as a platform engineer at Lunar and now a product owner at VELUX. 

He was among the first in Denmark to use and teach Cloud Native technologies in Denmark and among the first to get a Certified Kubernetes Administrator certification. Henrik is also the first and only Dane to do a keynote at KubeCon about the complexity of cluster failovers when doing GitOps.

Today Henrik works as a product owner at VELUX where he sets the architecture and direction of the internal Cloud Native platform.

BIO: Ophelia Dalsgaard, Squad Janitor @ Danske Bank

Starting her career as a mix of OpenShift and Database admin, to DevOps styled developer, to being the only QA in an entire bank. Now as a Squad Lead/Engineering Chapter Lead - basically the squad janitor.

Ophelia has had a lot of opinions, and now she is trimming down which ones she actually want to get out with.


  • Nicklas Frahm


    Cloud architect

  • Henrik Høegh


    Digital Platform Owner

  • Ophelia Dalsgaard

    Danske Bank

    Squad & Engineering Chapter Lead



Tuesday, September 26, 2023
2:30 PM – 6:00 PM (UTC)


  • Kasper Borg Nissen


    Lead Organizer

  • Rasmus Steiniche


    Lead Organizer

  • Ophelia Zhang Dalsgaard

    Danske Bank

    Modernization and Engineering Lead

  • Henrik Høegh


    Digital Platform Owner

  • Henrik Løvborg

    Red Hat

    Tech Sales Lead Denmark

  • Stefan Daugaard


    Senior DevOps Consultant

  • Ryan Gough


    Senior IT Operations Specialist / Platform at JYSK

  • Kasper Tygesen

    OK a.m.b.a.

    Chief Solutions Architect




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