Security FTW! Ethical Hacking & HALT! Who goes there? Kubernetes edition


Jun 22, 2022, 2:30 – 6:00 PM

In-person event

About this event


16:30: Doors open, find a seat, network, enjoy

17:00: Welcome by Cloud Native Aarhus

17:05: Welcome by UnitIT

17:15: "Ethical Hacking" by Alexander Kaspersen, Security Specialist at UnitIT

18:00: Break with sandwich 

18:30: "HALT! Who goes there? Kubernetes edition" by Peter Høeg Steffensen, Security Engineer at Lunar

19:15: Networking

20:00: Thank you and good night!

TALK #1:

"Ethical Hacking" by Alexander Kaspersen, Security Specialist at UnitIT


Are you curious about Metasploit, WDigest, Goldentickets etc.? Alexander will demonstrate, how a hacker step by step can exploit vulnerabilities both in client PCs and servers to ensure administration right for a system, and thereafter entire domain.

During this talk Alexander will explain how vulnerabilities works, where and how you can find code, which can exploit vulnerabilities, and he will also show some examples on, how a company can protect itself from these.


Alexander is a Security Specialist at UnitIT, where he is expert in governance and vulnerability scannings. 

Alexander has a AP degree in Computer science from UCL in Odense, and has years of experience as both software developer and latest IT-security consultant for Region Oestdanmark. Besides Alexander also has many certifications in ethical hacking and penetration testing, and he spends many of his waking hours to participate in online hacking competitions.

TALK #2:

"HALT! Who goes there? Kubernetes edition" by Peter Høeg Steffensen, Security Engineer at Lunar


With Kubernetes 1.25 Pod Security Policies will be removed. In this talk Peter will talk about what that means for our Kubernetes clusters, what the replacement options are and how you could leverage these to bring more control and efficiency into the developers hands.

We will touch on the new Pod Security Admission and Open Policy Agent Gatekeeper and the obstacles you might encounter when introducing admission controllers like these.


Peter Steffensen is a Security Engineer at Lunar. He started his career developing software for Hardware Security Modules and later moved on to do security consultant work mainly focused on cloud security. Currently he is trying to make life as easy as possible for the Lunar engineers while at the same time injecting security into every part of the development process.


  • Alexander Kaspersen


    Security Specialist

  • Peter Steffensen


    Security Engineer



Wednesday, June 22, 2022
2:30 PM – 6:00 PM UTC


  • Kasper Borg Nissen


    Lead Organizer

  • Rasmus Steiniche


    Lead Organizer

  • Ophelia Zhang Dalsgaard

    Danske Bank

    Squad & Chapter Lead

  • Henrik Høegh


    Digital Platform Owner

  • Henrik Løvborg

    Red Hat

    Tech Sales Lead Denmark

  • Stefan Daugaard


    Senior DevOps Consultant

  • Ryan Gough

    Senior IT Operations Specialist / Platform at JYSK

  • Kasper Tygesen

    OK a.m.b.a.

    Chief Solutions Architect


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