Sep 18, 2024, 2:30 – 6:00 PM (UTC)
16:30: Doors open
17:00: Welcome by Cloud Native Aarhus
17:10: Welcome by our host Uber
17:15: "Towards standardized volumes: Transitioning Odin's Volume Management to Kubernetes" by Ivan Shibitov, Uber
18:00: Break with food
18:30: “When large data volumes meets Postgres” by Søren Kyndi-Wiuff, Lunar
19:30: Networking
20:00: Doors close
Odin is Uber’s platform for managing stateful workloads, currently overseeing over 100,000 hosts and 3.8 million containers.
A key aspect of managing stateful services is effective volume management, where data storage plays a critical role. In this talk, we'll provide a brief overview of Odin's architecture and its use of Logical Volume Management (LVM).
We will then look into our journey of transforming Odin's existing volume management model into a CSI-compatible solution, sharing insights and lessons learned along the way.
This talk will give you insights into some of the experiences LUNAR made when volume of data increases significantly.
What breaks when rows in a table is measured in billions instead of millions?
How is performance affected as throughput goes up?
Come to the event to learn what we did at LUNAR when faced with these and similar challenges.
Senior Software Engineer
Staff Engineer
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
2:30 PM – 6:00 PM (UTC)
Lead Organizer
Lead Organizer
Danske Bank
Modernization and Engineering Lead
Digital Platform Owner
Red Hat
Tech Sales Lead Denmark
Senior DevOps Consultant
Senior IT Operations Specialist / Platform at JYSK
OK a.m.b.a.
Chief Solutions Architect