The Dutch Cloud Native Day 2024, is a free half a day event, hosted at the Science Park in Amsterdam (NL).
Its aim is to bring together the Cloud Native Community to do what we love, showcase and discuss open source solution to engineering problems!
Please join our official CNCF community ( to register and attend!
We're closing the meetup year in December with a great Meetup hosted at the Science Park in Amsterdam, specially focused on Kubernetes and Cloud Native.
Building: Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica
Address: Science Park 123, 1098 XG Amsterdam
12:00 Walk-in + Lunch
13:00 Introduction (Turingzaal)
13:15 Talk 1: Breakout
K3s on a Tractor: A Happy Marriage, Wieneke Keller & Sebastian Lenartowicz, Aurea Imaging (Turingzaal)
Practical Introduction to OpenTelemetry Tracing, Nicolas Fränkel, LoftLabs (Eulerzaal)
13:50 Break
14:00 Talk 2: Breakout
Securing Our Network Flows with Cilium, Remy Simons, Ilionx (Turingzaal)
My journey into the world of Platform Engineering and AI, Johan van Amersfoort, ITQ (Eulerzaal)
14:40 Coffee break
15:15 Talk 3: Breakout
Kubernetes Emissions Insights: Because Your Pods Have a Carbon Footprint Too! Flavia Paganelli & Jasper Geurtsen, Aknostic (Turingzaal)
Fort Kairos: A New Dawn for Secure Linux in Untrusted Environments, Mauro Morales,Spectro Cloud (Eulerzaal)
15:50 Break
16:00 Lightning Talks (Turingzaal)
How the GAMMA project is shaping the future of Service Mesh, Stephane Karagulmez, Isovalent @ Cisco
The Periodic Table of Cloud Native, Alessandro Vozza, Community
The Hybrid Kubernetes Cluster - your head in the clouds, but feet firmly on the ground, Erwin de Keijzer, Fullstaq
16:25 Talk 4: Breakout
Meet the New Kid in the Sandbox - Integrating Visualization with Prometheus, Eric D. Schabel, Chronoshpere (Turingzaal)
The Tech Behind Buienradar: How Technology Keeps You Ahead of the Weather, Neel Bhatt (Eulerzaal), RTL
17:00 Closing + Networking Time is up! See you next time.
Photography/Video consent
Please be informed that we'll be taking pictures during the event, let us know if you don't want to be filmed/photographed.
Code of Conduct
All members are required to agree with the CNCF Events Code of Conduct
Stay in touch
Please get in touch on the CNCF #netherlands slack channel for any questions (we're also looking for co-organizers, especially in other cities). Please also don't forget to join the official CNCF community too!
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
11:00 AM – 5:00 PM (UTC)
Paco Bernabe Cloud Solutions
Senior DevOps & Cloud Consultant
Cloud Native Consultant & Kubernetes 1.32 Release Team Member
Head of Engineering
Cisco (Isovalent)
EMEA Marketing Manager
Dutch Kubernetes Podcast Host
Solution Architect
Consulting Architect
Lead Consultant