We are pleased to announce the 7th Athens Kubernetes Meetup with two great talks from the folks at Hazelcast:
"Stream Processing in the Cloud"
Hazelcast Jet is a distributed processing engine well integrated with Cloud environments (Kubernetes, AWS, OpenShift, GCP, Azure, and so on). How to use it? In this talk I'll introduce the idea of stream processing with Hazelcast Jet and give the insights of how to use it in the Cloud environments, especially Kubernetes. After this session, you'll be able to speed up any of your JVM stream-based application by distributing the computation into Kubernetes/OpenShift PODs.
Rafal Leszko is Software engineer at Hazelcast, author of the book “Continuous Delivery with Docker and Jenkins”, trainer, and speaker at international conferences (Devoxx Morocco, Voxxed Days Athens, Voxxed Days Romania, and more). He specializes in Java development, Cloud environments, and Continuous Delivery. Former employee in a number of companies and scientific organizations: Google, CERN, AGH University, and more.
"Cache First Cloud-Native Microservices"
As Monolith to Microservices migration almost became mainstream, developers have to think about how their caching strategies will evolve in cloud-native world. In this talk, Mesut will go through hazelcast caching options in cloud-native microservices. First part will be Hazelcast's integration with development frameworks like Spring Boot and Microprofile. Next part would cover different caching patterns that can be architected into your application. As last step, Mesut will go through how to deploy Hazelcast in Kubernetes.
Mesut Celik is currently Cloud Team Lead @ Hazelcast and has 15+ experience in Enterprise Java World. He has lived in Turkey, Belgium and US so far and worked for several companies during that period. He is now on a mission to make Hazelcast best caching solution in cloud environments.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM (UTC)