A joint meetup with Serverless Meetup Group Bangalore - https://www.meetup.com/Serverless-Bangalore/events/242085506/
You can either RSVP in this page or directly at Serveless meetup page above - NO NEED TO SIGNUP BOTH PLACES -
10.00am to 10.15am: Welcome and Introduction (Microsoft)
10.15am to 11.15am: Serverless with Kubernetes, Huawei
This presentation will cover how to implement a typical serverless solution from ground up using Kubernetes. Also will talk about what are the advantages of this solution and potential real world use cases.
11.15am to 11.55am: Serverless Design Patterns, Manoj Ganapathi, CodeOps Technologies
In earlier meetup sessions, we discussed various serverless technologies. This session focuses on *application* of serverless technologies for different use cases. There are five major design patterns / use cases for serverless: 3-tier web applications, Big Data: scalable batch jobs / data processing, IoT: real-time stream processing, Mobile backends, and Chatbots.
11.55am to 12.15pm: Tea break
12.15am to 1:00pm: Server-‘less’: An Architecture Conundrum,Sandeep Alur, Director, Microsoft Corporation
Operating in Public Cloud, if we need to pick on one computing term that is making news, that would undoubtedly be ‘Serverless’. Cloud brings in great amount of choice and flexibility, and ‘Serverless’ is one of the emerging Architecture Pattern. Every Public Cloud vendor is innovating on this premise and hence an opportunity for us to understand the emerging architecture and design patterns. Let us meet up and understand technicalities of architecting a solution in this space. You will also get a peek into some of the cool innovations on Microsoft Azure.
Thanks to our sponsor Microsoft for hosting this meetup.
Saturday, August 19, 2017
4:30 AM – 7:30 AM UTC