Let's start back after the summer holidays with some interesting Kubernetes talks.
Data Minded will host this meetup in Leuven.
6:30 Networking
7:00 Start of the talks:
1) Traefik v2.0 & Maesh: Look Ma’, routing HTTP and TCP with no Hands! by Damien DUPORTAL
Let’s talk about Traefik and Maesh for routing both “North-South” and “East-West” traffic on your cluster.
Traefik is an open-source and dynamic edge proxy, which just reached the milestone v2.0, and is an Ingress Controller in the Kubernetes world.
Maesh is a lightweight and non-invasive service mesh built on top of Traefik, recently released by Containous.
Damien is a Traefik's Developer Advocate at Containous and freelancer. He is a former Training Engineer at CloudBees, Docker mentor, human stack focused, Rock climber, passionate...
Do not hesitate to go and talk to him at the event!
2) Scaling from zero to n - Running Kubernetes native workloads as functions using Knative by Dieter Hubau
Knative (pronounced kay-nay-tiv) extends Kubernetes to provide a set of middleware components that are essential to building modern, source-centric, and container-based applications that can run anywhere: on premises, in the cloud, or even in a third-party data center.
Dieter is a Platform Architect at Pivotal and acts as the trusted advisor for customers that are in their Platform journey. He has mostly worked as a consultant, doing Java Web development, platform operations, architecture work, team lead in various projects and programs. Last few years, he started to focus more on the bigger picture, thinking about methodologies, tools and platforms and how to enable companies to deliver better software at a sustainable pace. He still plays soccer with a bad knee, runs around with his dog and plays video games. Space geek and movie buff.
3) Big Data jobs on K8S - Stijn De Haes
22:00 Networking
The wonderful people of Data Minded will provide pizza and drinks.
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM (UTC)