Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

Don’t deploy into the Dark!

Cloud Native Boston

Feb 9, 2023, 11:00 PM – Feb 10, 2023, 12:30 AM (UTC)

In-person event

We're back in 2023! Our speaker is Andreas Grabner, Keptn maintainer and KubeCon speaker. Keptn is a CNCF project at the Incubating project maturity level. Keptn provides a Declarative Approach to Automate Delivery & Operations Use Cases.

About this event


  • 6:00 pm: Welcome + housekeeping
  • 6:10 pm: Community updates
  • 6:20 pm: Talk #1: Don’t deploy into the Dark! w/ Andreas Grabner
  • 7:30 pm: Close

About our speaker and topic:

SpeakerAndreas Grabner is a Developer Advocate with Keptn and a DevOps Activist at Dynatrace.

Topic: Don’t deploy into the Dark! DORA Metrics: automatically, for all your K8s workloads!

DORA’s Four Key DevOps have gained much attention as they provide critical insights into an organization’s maturity in automating the delivery of high-quality software. Google provides a blueprint implementation which requires extending your existing delivery pipelines (Jenkins, Argo, Flux, GitHub, GitLab …) to push those metrics to an external database. While doable, many platform engineers we spoke to are seeking an alternative solution and more cloud-native approach.

The CNCF project Keptn saw this as an opportunity to provide a K8s- & Cloud-Native solution that provides 100% coverage, WITHOUT changing pipelines and using OpenTelemetry as standard collection framework.

Join this talk where Andi (Andreas) Grabner, DevRel at Keptn, will show you how you can use Keptn’s Lifecyle Toolkit to get your DORA metrics within 5 minutes. Andi also covers how the Lifecycle Toolkit brings application-awareness into your deployments and allows you to execute pre- and post-deployment checks as serverless functions – all declaratively as part of your existing K8s CRDs.


  • Andreas Grabner

    Dynatrace | Keptn

    DevOps Activist



February 9 – 10, 2023
11:00 PM – 12:30 AM (UTC)


  • Michael O'Leary


    Solution Architect

  • Isabella Langan

    Chapter organizer