Oct 2, 2024, 4:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)
Aby to nebolo až také suché, prinášame do “ringu” dvoch profesionálov. Okrem fantastických prednášok je tu priestor aj na diskusiu. Môžete získať informácie, ktoré vám ani generatívna AI nepovie a naviac s ľudským prístupom od tých pravých inžinierov.
1. časť: Platform engineering vs DevOps: which is which and a few problems neither of them will help you with
Prezentujúci: Miro Adámy
DevOps, SRE, Platform Engineering. Three overlapping buzzwords are often confused among themselves. So are they the same thing or not ?
If they are the same, how it happened that they keep changing their names and most importantly - why ?
If we decide that they are not the same - what they have in common and what is the differentiator ? Which problems are they trying to solve ? Which problems are they trying to hide / ignore ? Which was the first (besides egg) - and what was their evolution? What the driving force behind their evolution ?
Speaking of problems, are these disciplines succeeding in solving them ? If yes - what are their biggest achievements ? If not, where are they failing - and why ?
And specifically - Platform Engineering: Is it the last one (or the only one in disguise) incarnation of "Something-As-A-Service" in Dev Experience space ?
In my presentation I will provide highly subjective, biased, opinionated attempt to address these based on over two decades living in that space, lots of flamebaits collected from the Web and a few panel discussions and many more beer discussions over the years.
2. časť - So, we've built a platform...
Prezentujúci: Jakub Stehlík
About life before and after creating a platform - why we chose to build one, what problems it solves, and what benefits it provides for its users and maintainers.
Zabezpečte si svoje miesto ešte dnes a staňte sa súčasťou komunity, ktorá formuje budúcnosť cloud-native technológií. Tešíme sa na vašu účasť!
Nech nás sila cloud-native technológií sprevádza!
Labyrinth Labs
DevOps Engineer
Siemens Healthineers
Site Reliability Engineer
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
4:00 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)