We are proud to announce the first Cloud Native Computing Foundation Meetup in the northern part of Denmark. We aim at giving Cloud Natives in the northern part of the country a place to learn from each other and have great talks from people who are working with kubernetes or aspects of development and infrastructure relevant for cloud natives.
17.00 - 17.15 Welcome from Sparnord
17.15 - 17.20 Welcome from the organizers
17.20 - 17.30 What is Cloud Native - Ihor Dvoretskyi (CNCF)
[masked] What is Cloud Native Nordics - Kasper Nissen (Lunarway)
17.35 - 18.10 How Cloud Native is used in Sparnord - Camilla Larsen (Spar Nord Bank)
18.10 - 18.35 Food and Networking
18.35 - 18.50 DIY k8s in 10 minutes/how to install kubernetes fast - Arne Mejlholm (Spar Nord Bank)
18.50 - 19.00 Survey
19.00 - 20.00 Networking
20.00 - 20.05 Goodbye
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Ihor Dvoretskyi is a Developer Advocate at Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Kasper Nissen is Cloud Architect/SRE at Lunarway, CNCF Ambassador, and Organizer of Cloud Native Aarhus.
Camilla Larsen is a Systems Engineer in Sparnord and co-organizer in Cloud Native Aalborg
Arne Mejlholm is a Systems Engineer in Sparnord and co-organizer in Cloud Native Aalborg
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
3:00 PM – 6:00 PM (UTC)