The last Cloud Native Aarhus of 2017
But, don't worry, we will be back in 2018 with new and awesome meetups.
This last event of the year is going to be a great one, with three exciting presentations at Uber's office in Aarhus.
16:30: Doors open
17:00: Welcome to the last CNAa of the year and KubeCon Day 1 recap, Kasper Nissen
17:10: Welcome to Uber, Kåre Kjelstrøm
17:15: "ObjectConfig: Dynamic configuration at Uber", Jeppe Hansen, Uber
17:35: "Opentracing, and Uber's implementation Jaeger", Mathias Bak Berthelsen, Uber
18:00: Break
18:30: "DevOps culture and CICD best practices", David Christensen, Praqma
19:15: Networking
20:00: Goodnight!
ObjectConfig: Dynamic configuration at Uber, Jeppe Hansen, Uber
Overview of what dynamic configuration is why, we need it and how we manage, track and distribute it. I will present the system we build for distributing dynamic configuration for our infrastructure components and some of the challenges we have faced.
Open tracing, and Uber's implementation Jaeger, Mathias Bak Berthelsen, Uber
When an error occurs in an application, a stacktrace is normally logged so the developer can see the codepath which lead to the issue. This, however, is often insufficient in a microservice architecture as the problem may originate in a different service. Distributed tracing can provide the necessary insight to root cause the error. Opentracing provides a standard, and Jaeger is our implementation.
DevOps culture and CICD best practices, David Christensen, Praqma
The jobtitle "devops engineer" has started popping up a lot of places, but DevOps is actually something entirely different. Going through the reason as to WHY silos appear, and what causes it helps soften the issues around silos. This only works, however, when coupled with continuous delivery, and while many think they are doing it right, it is an area with plenty of room for common errors. Talking about the existing technology stacks, and comparing them with the laundry list of best practices gives insight into why companies struggle with delivering to their customers rapidly and often.
Thursday, December 7, 2017
4:00 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)
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Senior IT Operations Specialist / Platform at JYSK
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Chief Solutions Architect