We are going on a field trip to visit LEGO and learn how they are utilizing Cloud Native. Further, we are excited to have Ihor Dvoretskyi, CNCF Developer Advocate joining us to talk about Helm. Lastly, Rasmus Steininche and Kasper Nissen, will also be giving two short talks. LEGO has arranged a tour around LEGO House with play agents that will introduce us to how they made the connection between physical bricks and digital experiences.
LEGO has arranged transport and we will be picked up by a bus departing from; Krydstogt Balticagade - Balticagade[masked] Århus C.
We will leave at 16:00. There's a strict no-show policy for this event.
NB! You can't drive yourself, if you want to go, you have to take the bus.
No-shows will NOT be allowed to participate in the next three events by Cloud Native Aarhus. We only have 70 available seats. Please respect the deadline.
[masked]: Bus transport from Aarhus (Krydstogt Balticagade) to LEGO House
[masked]: Welcome – digital name tags are given to all and water and snacks are available (LEGO House)
17.30:17.35: Opening pitch about LEGO’s cloud vision and journey – LEGO
[masked]: "Three combined talks" by LEGO
[masked]: Dinner break and mingling opportunity (café tables in square)
[masked]:00: "Helm - the Package Manager for Kubernetes" by Ihor Dvoretskyi, CNCF Developer Advocate.
[masked]:15: "Should Developers Care About Dockerfiles and Kubernetes resources?" by Kasper Nissen, Lunar Way
[masked]: "Intro to cloud-verse" by Rasmus Steiniche, neurospace
[masked]: LEGO House tour with play agents - Connection between physical bricks and digital experiences
[masked]: Bus transport from LEGO House to Aarhus (Krydstogt Balticagade)
TALK 1: "Three combined talks" by LEGO
Simon Bruun: Case study: How we are collecting, - and visualizing, data from our packing line by utilizing cloud technology.
Kresten Kjær: LEGO bricks + cloud technology = robots.
Jakob William Nielsen: A look into the principles the team behind LEGO ID is following when working with cloud technology.
TALK 2: "Helm - the Package Manager for Kubernetes"
Helm is widely known as the Package Manager for Kubernetes. Originally grown as an open source project under the Kubernetes community umbrella, now it's an incubated project of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, developed by the widespread global community.
Helm was designed to solve the complexity of operating the Kubernetes applications. This talk will highlight the benefits of using Helm with Kubernetes, together with the real-world examples.
Ihor Dvoretskyi is a Developer Advocate at Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), closely working with the open source communities within the Cloud Native ecosystem (including Kubernetes, Helm, and others).
TALK 3: "Should Developers Care About Dockerfiles and Kubernetes resources?"
Kasper will focus on how Lunar Way unlocked velocity for both feature squads and the platform team. Further, Kasper will discuss how they at Lunar Way rebuilt their monolithic CI/CD system and transformed it into a developer focused "microservice" platform with Git as the source of truth.
Kasper is a SRE at Lunar Way and the founder of the “Cloud Native Aarhus” meetup group along with the nordic cloud native community: Cloud Native Nordics. Kasper is further a CNCF Ambassador.
TALK 4: Into the cloud-verse - with your friendly neighborhood cloud guy
Today there exists multiple clouds and many companies believe that you can only choose one.
But is this true?
Is there a case to be made for a multi cloud setup?
This talk will highlight the decisions to be made and what to be aware of when going into the cloud-verse.
Rasmus Steiniche is the CEO of neurospace and has done everything from writing java applications to running SaaS applications before it was cool. Today he focuses on helping companies utilizing their data to become better at what they do.
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
2:00 PM – 7:45 PM (UTC)
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