We know this is last minute, but we didn't want to miss this exciting opportunity.
Lucas Käldström is visiting Aarhus - and he promised to stop by and talk a bit about some of the cool things he is up to. Just last month, Lucas published a new open source project: Weave Ignite. Weave Ignite is an open source Virtual Machine (VM) manager with a container UX and built-in GitOps management. Lucas even submitted a PR for the AWS Firecracker project to make it run on a Raspberry Pi. How does running a ton of microVMs on a Raspberry Pi sound? Fun, right!
Check out more about ignite: https://github.com/weaveworks/ignite
Lucas is a cloud native enthusiast that recently graduated from High School. Lucas is serving the Kubernetes community in lead positions, e.g. as a co-lead for SIG Cluster Lifecycle shepherding kubeadm from inception to GA, porting Kubernetes to multiple platforms and by being active in the community for 3+ years. Lucas runs a consulting company "luxas labs" for cloud native tech as well as the official CNCF & Kubernetes meetups in Finland. Lucas is a CNCF Ambassador and won the "Top Cloud Native Ambassador 2017" award together with Sarah Novotny. Lucas is a CKA and has spoken at six KubeCons.
16:30: Doors open
16:45: Welcome by Cloud Native Aarhus
16:50: Welcome by todays hosts; OrbitLab and Lunar Way
17:00: Lucas Käldström talk about Ignite, cluster-api, and more
18:00: Break with food
18:30: KubeCloud - A small-scale, tangible cloud computing environment, Kasper Nissen
19:00: Birds of Feather Session: Lucas Käldström and Kasper Nissen
19:30: Discussions, networking
20:00: Good night
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
2:30 PM – 6:00 PM UTC
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