Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April


Cloud Native Oslo

Sep 18, 2017, 2:30 – 5:30 PM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

Ray Tsang, Staff Developer Advocate from Google will talk about grpc. 

gRPC is a high performance, open source, general RPC framework that puts mobile and HTTP/2 first. gRPC is based on many years of Google's experience in building distributed systems - it is designed to be low latency, bandwidth and CPU efficient, to create massively distributed systems that span data centers, as well as power mobile apps, real-time communications, IoT devices and APIs. It's also interoperable between multiple languages. But beyond that fact that it's more efficient than REST, we'll look into how to use gRPC's streaming API, where you can establish server-side streaming, client-side streaming, and bidirectional streaming! This allows developers to build sophisticated real-time applications with ease. Ray offers an overview of gRPC’s capabilities as he live-codes a real-time chatroom, demonstrating how to use gRPC’s streaming API to establish server-side streaming, client-side streaming, and bidirectional streaming. This allows developers to build sophisticated real-time applications with ease. Ray also deep-dives into integration with existing build systems like Maven and Gradle and frameworks like Spring Boot and RxJava. Topics include: 

- Configuring projects to generate gRPC stub code 

- Using Protobuffer 3 to define messages and services 

- Creating synchronous and asynchronous services with streaming 

- Load balancing - Interceptors

Ray is a Developer Advocate for the Google Cloud Platform. Ray had extensive hands on cross-industry enterprise systems integration delivery and management experiences during his time at Accenture, managed full stack application development, DevOps, and ITOps. Ray specialized in middleware, big data, and PaaS products during his time at Red Hat while contributing to open source projects, such as Infinispan. Aside from technology, Ray enjoys traveling and adventures. Follow Ray on Twitter @saturnism (

Talks will be in English, and there are a limited amount of seating.

Pizza and beer will be served



Monday, September 18, 2017
2:30 PM – 5:30 PM (UTC)


  • Kristina Devochko

    Tietoevry, Public 360° unit

    CNCF Ambassador

  • Steffen Pøhner Henriksen


    Cloud Native Developer, Geodata AS

  • Emil Antoni Brasø

    Sopra Steria

    Senior Cloud Native Engineer

  • Bosse Klykken

    Redpill Linpro

    Senior Architect

  • Kristian Schjelderup



  • Klaudia Beata Janusz


    Solution Consultant