Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

Platform Engineering (what gen. AI not tell you about) - 44. CNCF meetup

Cloud Native Bratislava

Oct 2, 2024, 4:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)

Hybrid event

About this event

Aby to nebolo až také suché, prinášame do “ringu” dvoch profesionálov. Okrem fantastických prednášok je tu priestor aj na diskusiu. Môžete získať informácie, ktoré vám ani generatívna AI nepovie a naviac s ľudským prístupom od tých pravých inžinierov.


1. časť: Platform engineering vs DevOps: which is which and a few problems neither of them will help you with

Prezentujúci: Miro Adámy

DevOps, SRE, Platform Engineering. Three overlapping buzzwords are often confused among themselves. So are they the same thing or not ?

If they are the same, how it happened that they keep changing their names and most importantly - why ?

If we decide that they are not the same - what they have in common and what is the differentiator ? Which problems are they trying to solve ? Which problems are they trying to hide / ignore ? Which was the first (besides egg) - and what was their evolution? What the driving force behind their evolution ?

Speaking of problems, are these disciplines succeeding in solving them ? If yes - what are their biggest achievements ? If not, where are they failing - and why ?

And specifically - Platform Engineering: Is it the last one (or the only one in disguise) incarnation of "Something-As-A-Service" in Dev Experience space ?

In my presentation I will provide highly subjective, biased, opinionated attempt to address these based on over two decades living in that space, lots of flamebaits collected from the Web and a few panel discussions and many more beer discussions over the years.

2. časť - So, we've built a platform...

Prezentujúci: Jakub Stehlík

About life before and after creating a platform - why we chose to build one, what problems it solves, and what benefits it provides for its users and maintainers.

Zabezpečte si svoje miesto ešte dnes a staňte sa súčasťou komunity, ktorá formuje budúcnosť cloud-native technológií. Tešíme sa na vašu účasť!

Nech nás sila cloud-native technológií sprevádza!


  • Miro Adamy


  • Jakub Stehlík

    Labyrinth Labs

    DevOps Engineer


  • Tomáš Bočinec

    Siemens Healthineers

    Site Reliability Engineer



Wednesday, October 2, 2024
4:00 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)


  • Juraj Hanták

    Infinity Egine

  • Filip Pohronsky

    DITEC a.s.



  • Juraj Hanták

    Infinity Engine


  • Filip Pohronsky

    DITEC a.s.
