We are excited to host our April CNCF Meetup with two fantastic speakers:
* Kubecon Recap and K8s 1.24 - Canadian CNCF Meetup Organizers
* Explore KEDA (Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling) and the KEDA HTTP Add-on -
Looking forward to catch up with everyone again!
Aaron Wislang
Dev Rel
Tuesday, June 7, 2022 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM (UTC)
4:00 PM
Setting up your local Development environment for proficiency with Kubernetes
Kubecon EU Recap and K8s 1.24 - Canadian CNCF Meetup Organizers
4:20 PM
Explore KEDA (Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling) and the KEDA HTTP Add-on
Explore KEDA (Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling) and the KEDA HTTP Add-on
[Beginners] In this session we'll explore KEDA (Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling) and the recently KEDA HTTP Add-on which brings the ability to scale HTTP workloads to KEDA. We'll have plenty of hands-on demos and discuss how you can test and tailor auto-scaling for your workloads with load-testing and more.
Notes: In this session I’ll give a very brief introduction to KEDA (Kubernetes Event Driven Autoscaler) for those who may be unfamiliar with the project, but with quickly follow with KEDA HTTP Add-on, some of the reasons the project exists, and dive into the practical applications with a hands-on on demo on how to get started with KEDA HTTP and an example workload. We will then test the example workload with some load testing tools, and discuss how we can right-size auto-scaling Kubernetes workloads for various applications such as HTTP APIs and web applications. I will also provide some background from an open source perspective and discuss how attendees can contribute to the project and other ways they can get help when getting started themselves.