Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

Building Container Images, a Survey / Prometheus: on-site vs as-a-service

Cloud Native Berlin

Nov 22, 2016, 5:30 – 8:30 PM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

Welcome! It's time we had a Cloud Native Computing Berlin meetup.

For this Meetup group's first talk, we'll be looking at various techniques for building Container Images. This talk will include presentations and demos of building containers with the tools described in the talk such as DockerFile, acbuild, dgr, NixOS, etc.

The second talk will look at using Prometheus to monitor microservices and plus and minuses of doing that onsite and/or as-a-service.

This will take place at the Kinvolk office.



[18:30- 19:00] Mingle time

[19:00 - 19:50] Building Container Images, a Survey - Iago López Galeiras & Alessandro Puccetti, software engineers at Kinvolk

[20:00 - 20:50] Monitoring microservices with Prometheus: onsite vs as-a-service - David Kaltschmidt, software engineer at Weaveworks

[20:50 - 21:30] Mingle time


Talk details:

"Building Container Images, a Survey": For most, building container images consists of building a DockerFile and running `docker build`. But there are many tools that can be used to build container images. Each tool and technique has its pluses and minuses. The presentation will offer an overview of these tools and techniques. It's also demonstrate building images with each of the tools.

"Monitoring microservices with Prometheus: onsite vs as-a-Service": Prometheus seems to be unstoppable and has come to be the monitoring solution of choice for time series data in microservices. This talk compares the pros and cons of running it yourself vs having it run for you in the cloud.


Speaker Bios:

Iago López Galeiras (@iagius):  Iago brought his relaxed Spanish demeanor to Berlin a few years back. Since then, he’s been diving and swimming around the internals of various Linux flavors; Android, embedded and Cloud. Container technologies are his current focus; specifically on the rkt project where he’s a core contributor and maintainer. Although he once got distracted by functional programming, his daily tasks see him working mainly in Go and C.

Alessandro Puccetti  (@alepuccetti): Hailing from Italy, Alessandro has spent quite a bit of time in exotic locations around the world doing research on network measurement and security. He is currently applying his experience to build cutting-edge Linux technologies at Kinvolk in Berlin.

David Kaltschmidt (@davkals): David has been building UIs for the networking industry for over a decade. He is currently with Weaveworks and heads their Berlin office.


Snacks & drinks will be provided



Tuesday, November 22, 2016
5:30 PM – 8:30 PM (UTC)


  • Aleksandra Nadolski



  • Benazir Khan


    Event and Community Coordinator