Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

Running Kubernetes w/o nodes / Introducing Flatcar Linux Edge

Cloud Native Berlin

Apr 10, 2019, 4:30 – 7:30 PM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

Cloud Native Computing Meetup Berlin is happy to host Jérôme Petazzoni who will talk Virtual Kubelet and Milpa and Kinvolk's Alban Crequy and Chris Kühl who will both talk about Flatcar with BPF demos.

Food and drinks will be sponsored by CNCF & space will be provided by Kinvolk.



[18:30- 19:00] Arrive and mingle

[19:00 - 19:45] Jérôme Petazzoni, “Running Kubernetes without nodes: why and how"

[20:00 - 20:45] Alban Crequy & Chris Kühl, “Introducing Flatcar Linux Edge”

[20:45 - 21:00] Mingle time



“Running Kubernetes without nodes: why and how”, Jérôme Petazzoni
Abstract: On a traditional Kubernetes cluster, our applications run in containers. A container is part of a pod, and a pod runs on a node. The Kubernetes scheduler allocates pods to nodes to optimize resource utilization, but even with the best scheduler in the world, our cluster is almost always too big (and we're then wasting resources) or too small (and we have to evict lower priority workloads). Enter solutions like Virtual Kubelet or Milpa, which provision resources on the fly when we need them. This means that we pay only for what we use, while being able to use all the capacity offered by our cloud provider. We'll explain how this works, with plenty of demos.

“Introducing Flatcar Linux Edge, an experimental Flatcar Linux channel”, Alban Crequy & Chris Kühl
Abstract: "Flatcar Linux is a container-optimized, self-updating Linux distribution and a drop-in replacement fork of CoreOS' Container Linux that is maintained by Kinvolk.
Flatcar Linux has the concept of channels, currently 'stable', 'beta' and 'alpha'. Kinvolk is introducing an additional channel we call 'edge' to make it easy for the container community to try out and discover experimental and upcoming Linux features. In this talk, we'll demonstrate some of what this can enable. Specifically, we'll show how we at Kinvolk are using it to test and experiment with new BPF functionality and tools."



Jérôme Petazzoni, Freelancer - Jérôme was part of the team that built, scaled, and operated the dotCloud PAAS, before it became Docker. He worked seven years at the famous container company, wearing various hats. When he's not busy with computers, he collects musical instruments. He can arguably play the theme of Zelda on a dozen of them.

Alban Crequy, CTO and co-founder of Kinvolk - Originally from France, Alban currently lives in Berlin where he is a CTO & co-founder at Kinvolk. He is a contributor to rkt, a container runtime for Linux, Weave Scope, a container visualization & monitoring tool, and is actively working on BPF-related projects. Before falling into containers, Alban worked on various projects core to modern Linux; kernel IPC and storage, dbus performance and security, etc. His current technical interests revolve around networking, security, systemd and containers at the lower-levels of the system.

Chris Kühl, CEO and co-founder of Kinvolk - After getting hooked on free and open source software as a hobby through the GNOME project, Chris was able to turn this passion into a career and has since co-founded Kinvolk in Berlin, which focuses exclusively on open source software engineering for foundational Linux technologies: the Linux kernel, systemd, rkt, etc. Chris is an active member of the Berlin open source community. He helps organize the Berlin meetups for CNCF and Linux Technologies, and instrumentally leads the organization behind Cloud Native Rejekts and All Systems Go! conferences.



Wednesday, April 10, 2019
4:30 PM – 7:30 PM (UTC)


  • Aleksandra Nadolski



  • Benazir Khan


    Event and Community Coordinator