Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

Tekton CI/CD Pipelines & CoreOS Legacy

Cloud Native Berlin

Feb 19, 2020, 5:00 – 8:00 PM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

Container Solutions and Software Circus Berlin are proud to partner with Kinvolk ( for our upcoming meetup.

Space will be provided by Kinvolk, food and drinks will be provided by Container Solutions.


[18:00 - 18:45] Welcome Drinks, Food & Networking

[18:45 - 19:30] Cari Liebenberg, "Pipeline Driven Development with a Closer Look at Tekton"

[19:30 - 20:15] Andrew Randall, "Continuing the CoreOS Legacy with Flatcar and Lokomotive"

[20:15 - 21:00] QA / Closing Drinks


"Pipeline Driven Development with a Closer Look at Tekton", Cari Liebenberg

Abstract: Cari spent the last few years building projects using Jenkins, Azure DevOps, AppCenter and Gitlab. After learning about Tekton and building a few example pipelines with Tekton, she started rethinking pipelines and the existing patterns we use to manage automation. Reviewing well known pipeline structures like CI, CD and Gitops, she will discuss ideas for creating adaptable pipelines that behave in a modular, reusable way allowing projects to prepare for the rapid transformation of the cloud environments we build.

"Continuing the CoreOS Legacy with Flatcar and Lokomotive", Andrew Randall

Abstract: Andy will provide an update on Kinvolk’s two flagship open source projects, Flatcar Linux (its “friendly fork” of CoreOS Container Linux) and Lokomotive, a 100% open source Kubernetes distro, with a heritage derived from CoreOS Tectonic. He will cover what’s new in recent releases, where the projects are headed, and how they fit into a broader vision of enabling a truly enterprise-grade open source cloud native platform. Finally, we’ll wrap up with a demo, including a sneak preview of some new (work in progress) Lokomotive features.


Cari has a passion for studying project structure. Going from understanding efficient code structure to what environment structures can help speed up the software delivery cycle, while still focusing on quality. She has gone from the software side to the operations side. And helps companies transition towards a DevOps mindset. She currently works as a Cloud Native Engineer for Container Solutions.

Andrew Randall - VP of Marketing at Kinvolk - Andy is passionate about technology and believes successful businesses deliver solutions and services that delight customers, the open source community and ecosystem partners. Prior to joining Kinvolk, Andy co-founded Tigera and Calico, the foundational open source cloud native networking and network security project. Andy previously has successfully built and grown businesses in the areas of network protocols, voice over IP and web conferencing at Metaswitch. He holds a joint MBA from Berkeley-Haas and Columbia Business Schools. He also holds masters degrees in software engineering, philosophy and mathematics from the Universities of Oxford and Stirling.



Wednesday, February 19, 2020
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM (UTC)


  • Aleksandra Nadolski



  • Benazir Khan


    Community Program Manager