Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

Cloud Native Computing Birmingham August 2019

Cloud Native Birmingham

Aug 7, 2019, 5:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

Hi and welcome to the August CNCF Birmingham event. This month we have two great speakers covering two highly relevant areas in the Kubernetes space.

6:00pm - Food and drink, sponsored by BlackCat Technology Solutions
6:40pm - Welcome
6:50pm - "Kubernetes DIY on AWS" by Ionut Craciunescu
7:25pm - Break
7:35pm - "Cert-manager: using Kubernetes as an automated x509 management platform" by James Munnelly
8:15pm - Wrap up, pub


"Kubernetes DIY on AWS" by Ionut Craciunescu - Lead Platform Engineer @ Wealth Wizards

Ionut has a background in running and designing infrastructure environments, with a focus on cloud and microservices. He is focused on the delivery of a secure, scalable and efficient platform for running Wealth Wizards applications.

Ionut will takes us trough the automation pipeline for building Kubernetes clusters and scaling with demand.


"Cert-manager: using Kubernetes as an automated x509 management platform" by James Munnelly @

Cert-manager has long been known as the tool to secure your websites using Let's Encrypt TLS certificates. But did you know it can be used for much more than that?

This talk teaches the audience about advanced PKI management with cert-manager, and how it can be used from development to production to secure your applications.

Automating rotation and management makes it possible to enable TLS across your entire application and infrastructure stack consistently, with confidence.

We'll walk through how to utilise Issuers and Certificates as building blocks for complex PKIs to secure:

User applications
Kubernetes system components and webhooks
External systems
There will also be a run-through of the roadmap for the project, and how we intend to reach the 1.0 milestone at last!

By the end of this talk, you'll have an understanding of how the project works, reusing PKI manifests between environments for consistency and how to utilise managed certificates in a wide variety of applications.



Wednesday, August 7, 2019
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)


  • Mahendran Selvakumar

    Tata Consultancy Services Limited

    DevOps Engineer at Tata Consultancy Services