Jun 4, 2019, 5:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)
This months Cloud Native Birmingham features a double whammy of container orchestration focussed sessions from two of the organisers Shaun McLernon & Alistair Hey.
We're looking to kick things off talks-wise at 6.45 after pizza has arrived and drinks have been swigged. We should be finished by 8.30 all being well.
-- Kuberenetes 101
(Shaun McLernon)
Shaun will be giving an overview of the CNCF graduated project Kubernetes, so if you're keen to learn more about container orchestration, get an understanding of the architecture and components then this will be a great session for you!
The tour of the Kubernetes architecture and control plane will be demonstrated using a hands on Katacoda lab which will help you get your hands on the technology without anything but a browser!
-- Container Runtime Environments: who is running my container?
(Alistair Hey)
Alistair will be providing a deep dive into the inner workings of how Kubernetes schedules containers, the CRI runtime and the lifecycle of Pods to give an understanding of what's actually going on underneath the hood.
Running order will depend on logistics of the speakers, hopefully we'll try and get a more precise schedule out closer to the time.
As always there will be a great venue, drinks, pizza and nibbles courtesy of our very kind hosts BlackCat Technology Solutions.
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)
Tata Consultancy Services Limited
DevOps Engineer at Tata Consultancy Services