Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

Meetup#4 @OVH Kubernetes et Traefik

Cloud Native Bordeaux

Apr 2, 2019, 5:15 – 7:15 PM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

Bonjour à tous,

Nous nous sommes ravis de vous convier à ce 4ème meetup CNCF à Bordeaux !

Un grand merci à OVH ( qui nous hébergera et sponsorisera ce meetup #4.

Le programme :

19H15 Accueil et news de l'écosystème CNCF par Etienne Coutaud


19h30 - #1 Kubinception (en français)

Speaker : Kevin Georges

Kubernetes – Engineering Manager @OVH.
Working at OVH for three years, he led the Metrics team and now works on the Kubernetes platform.
Passionate by his work Kevin loves to share his experience and insights on how OVH operate stacks in production.

Description :

How does OVH use Kubernetes to provide Kubernetes infrastructure for its customers?

As of today, Kubernetes is set as the standard for container orchestration and deployment.
OVH has built an infrastucture that uses the functionality and velocity of Kubernetes to deliver a seamless Kubernetes experience to customers.
Why did we choose to build Kubernetes over Kubernetes? What are the main stakes when designing such an architecture? What problems did we encounter? How did we deal with theses issues?


20h15 - #2 State of the Art Edge Router: Simplicity and Automation (en français)

Speaker : Emile Vauge

Emile Vauge is founder and developer at Containous and the creator of Traefik. He has more than 10 years experience developing applications for both the web and industrial uses. He loves containers, orchestrators and gophers.

Description :

This talk introduces Traefik, an open source edge router which is used as a dynamic reverse proxy. Simplicity and automation are key concepts, so developers don’t waste time configuring or renewing SSL certificates. Traefik removes the need to update routing configurations by interfacing to backends such as Kubernetes, Docker, Mesos, and Consul, providing dynamic configuration.
We will define what an edge router, a reverse proxy and a load-balancer are. Then we’ll present the concepts and features of Traefik and how to use it. Finally, we’ll dig deeper and show how we made Traefik distributed, scalable and fault tolerant.


21h - Nous nous retrouverons, comme d'habitude, pour échanger autour d'une bière et d'une part de pizza offertes par nos hôtes.

Nous vous attendons nombreux !

CNCF Bdx team !



Tuesday, April 2, 2019
5:15 PM – 7:15 PM (UTC)


  • Jean EYMERIT


    CoFounder & Cloud Architect