Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

Helm feedback & Introduction to Tekton

Cloud Native Paris

Feb 18, 2020, 6:00 – 8:00 PM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

Hi Everyone!

We're back ! For our first meetup of 2020 we'll be hosted by Dailymotion.
Thanks for their sponsorship.



* Automate and manage versions in Kubernetes with Helm

Enguerrand is a Site Reliability Engineer @Tiller. More specifically on topics related to the Kubernetes ecosystem and the automation of deployments on AWS (infra as code / CD). And a passionate of GO and a huge enthusiast of Kubernetes!


How to keep control of the different resources used in a Kubernetes cluster in a Continuous Deployment pipeline?

This problem is at the heart of the evolution of different environments at Tiller. The HELM package manager responds to this issue.

The objective of this presentation is to share feedback on HELM, on that implementation, release management, integration with Terraform and for use locally or on AWS (EKS).


* On-demand development environments with Kubernetes

Vincent Demeester:
I'm a french developer, Gopher, sysadmin, factotum, free-software fan and unicode lover. I'm working RedHat as a principal software engineer, previously at Docker and Zenika. I am a maintainer of the tektoncd project (tektoncd/*), the docker project (moby/moby, docker/cli, …), and a tiny bit of NixOS.


Modern microservice architectures require stable/reliable multi-environment CI/CD automations. There are a lot of technologies addressing the need of CI/CD solutions. However, traditional solutions tend to be rigid and resource hungry. Tekton (hosted by CD Foundation) is a flexible Kubernetes-native open-source CI/CD framework which enables automating deployments across multiple platforms (Kubernetes, serverless, VMs, etc). Tekton aspires to be the common denominator in CI/CD, modeling what Kubernetes has become in Cloud-Native Application development.

In this talk, I will present the Tekton Pipelines concept and customizable building blocks, and how CI/CD engineers can custom fit CI/CD solutions, all this directly in Kubernetes. We'll see how to install Tekton, define and run pipelines using either kubectl or the Tekton command-line.

!! Note: For safety reasons, the venue has a strong limit of 60 people

Looking forward talking to you there :)

The CNCP organization team



Tuesday, February 18, 2020
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM (UTC)


  • Smaïne Kahlouch


    Lead Organizer

  • Reda Benzair


    Lead organizer - CNCF Amabassor

  • Jean-Christophe Sirot


    Lead organizer

  • Emmanuel Lagrée

    Team CNCF Paris Organizer

  • Andrea Giardini

    CNCF Paris Organizer