Kick Off meetup with CoreOS and AWS


Jun 30, 2016, 5:00 – 8:00 PM

In-person event

About this event

Hello all !

The first meetup will be soon ! 

We're really excited to share about the Cloud Native approach and we would like to thank our first sponsor : Criteo labs

1st talk (english): 

Jonathan Boulle Head of Containers and Berlin site lead at CoreOS and member of the CNCF Technical Oversight Committee

rktnetes: what's new with container engines and Kubernetes.

Jonathan Boulle works at CoreOS on all things distributed and all things contained. He's contributed heavily to etcd and fleet and lead the development of the App Container (appc) specification and rkt, the first appc runtime. He is actively involved in the upstream Kubernetes project. Prior to CoreOS, he worked at Twitter on their cluster management platform based on Mesos and Aurora. He's passionate about Linux, F/OSS, the Oxford comma, and developing well-defined systems that scale.

2nd talk (français) : 

Julien Simon, Principal Technical Evangelist, AWS

Amazon EC2 Container Service

AWS a lancé EC2 Container Service (ECS), qui permet d'exécuter et de gérer aisément des containers Docker sur un cluster d'instances Amazon EC2. Au fil de cette présentation technique centrée sur l¹utilisation réelle d'ECS, nous aborderons les points suivants :

• Principales fonctionnalités d’ECS : création et scaling du cluster, déploiement des tâches, versioning, etc.

• Utiliser ECS avec la console AWS et la ligne de commande (aws et ecs-cli)

• Intégrer ECS dans une architecture micro-services : service discovery, load balancing, etc.

Come and share with us drinks and food :).

CNCF goodies will be available.

See you there !



Thursday, June 30, 2016
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM UTC


  • Smaïne Kahlouch


    Lead Organizer

  • Reda Benzair


    Lead organizer - CNCF Amabassor

  • Jean-Christophe Sirot


    Lead organizer

  • Emmanuel Lagrée

    Team CNCF Paris Organizer

  • Andrea Giardini

    CNCF Paris Organizer