Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

Meetup #21 @Datadog: Kubernetes at Datadog and developper experience

Cloud Native Paris

Oct 15, 2018, 5:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

Hey folks!

Suprise! our next meetup is planned next week :)
We would like to thank Datadog for sponsoring this event.

We'll have the opportunity to learn Datadog's infrastructure powered by Kubernetes and we're glad to welcome David Gageot (Developer advocate @Google) for a talk around developer experience.


* Kubernetes at Datadog: the very hard way


Rob Boll:
Rob is a software engineer at Datadog in New York where he spends his time focused on cloud infrastructure and the developer platform. He is currently leading the Compute team, working on building and scaling global compute infrastructure built on Kubernetes.

Laurent Bernaille:
Laurent Bernaille worked several years as a consultant specialized in cloud, containers, and automation and helped organizations migrate to the public cloud, adopt containers and improve their deployment pipelines. He is now Staff Engineer at Datadog and works in the Compute team, which is responsible for setting up and scaling Kubernetes platforms.


At Datadog, we’re constantly battling to stay ahead of the growth of our customers. On the infrastructure team, we look for ways to leverage our small team to provide extraordinary benefits to the rest of the organization.

In this talk, we’ll explain our rationale for choosing Kubernetes as the base of our new global infrastructure. We’ll talk about the challenges of providing a consistent experience across multiple cloud providers that lead us to run Kubernetes ourselves. You’ll learn about the infrastructure choices we made, which ones have paid off, and which ones we regret.

Finally, we’ll talk about our vision for Kubernetes at Datadog; how we want to run it, and how we want our developers to interact with it.

* Google Container Tools: Life of a developer in a container world


David Gageot is a Developer Advocate at Google Cloud. He's working on Containers Tools. Previously, he helped open the R&D office of Docker in Paris.


Kubernetes has become the orchestrator of choice to deploy applications. But what about developer's day to day job of developing those applications. The more they leverage the platform, the more difficult it is to develop outside of the platform. And developing inside containers is not always easy nor enjoyable.

Google has launched multiple Open-Source projects that focus on Developer User Experience in a Container World. Kaniko lets you securely build Docker images from Dockerfiles on a Kubernetes cluster. Skaffold facilitates continuous development for Kubernetes applications. Distroless images offer small, secure, high quality base images. Bazel makes it even possible to build images without Docker installed. Come learn how those tools and more, combined together, make a great CI/CD story for those developing for Kubernetes.


Sorry for the late notice, thank you for your understanding. We hope to see you there on Monday.


The CNCF Paris organization team



Monday, October 15, 2018
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)


  • Smaïne Kahlouch


    Lead Organizer

  • Reda Benzair


    Lead organizer - CNCF Amabassor

  • Jean-Christophe Sirot


    Lead organizer

  • Emmanuel Lagrée

    Team CNCF Paris Organizer

  • Andrea Giardini

    CNCF Paris Organizer