Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

SDN x Cloud Native x openSUSE Meetup #17

Cloud Native Taiwan User Group

Jun 28, 2019, 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

本次 SDN x Cloud Native x openSUSE Meetup 特別邀請剛從 KubeCon 上海講完的 Microsoft Sravan 及 Ria 來台灣分享 Virtual Kubelet, 另外本次活動也與 openSUSE 合作分享 openSUSE Kubic 相關資訊! 大家走過路過不要錯過, 一起來 Microsoft Taiwan 發大財!

流程 / Agenda
19:00 - 19:30 入場,晚餐,FaDaTsai
19:30 - 20:30 Microsoft - Virtual Kubelet
20:30 - 21:00 openSUSE Kubic 簡單分享
21:00 - 21:30 交流

議程內容 / Sessions
Talk 1: Virtual Kubelet

Virtual Kubelet is a newly inducted project in CNCF that allows Kubernetes clusters to scale efficiently to any cloud provider of their choice. This session will go through the architecture of the project, applicable scenarios with public cloud providers, and demos to burst out existing kubernetes clusters without adding additional infrastructure. The session will also go through existing Virtual Kubelet implementations, and how users of Kubernetes can utilize the providers. This includes implementations from AWS, VMWare, Azure, HashiCorp and more. If you want to adopt Kubernetes and containerization, but not deal with managing more infrastructure then this is for you.

Speaker: Sravan Rengarajan
Microsoft Program Manager
Greater Seattle Area

Speaker: Ria Bhatia
Microsoft Program Manager
Talk 2: openSUSE Kubic 簡單分享

openSUSE Kubic is a Project maintaining multiple container-related technologies as part of the openSUSE Project. Kubic distribution has become a Certified Kubernetes Distribution.

- Why openSUSE Kubic?

- openSUSE Kubic 專案介紹
* openSUSE MicroOS
* Transactional updates

- Kubernetes 節點

- 使用 openSUSE Kubic 快速架設 Kubernetes Cluster

Speaker: Max Huang
主辦單位 / The organizer

Cloud Native Taiwan User Group 希望整合台灣雲端相關社群如 OpenStack, Kubernetes, Ceph, SDN 等,並利用 Meetup 定期在各台灣地區舉辦技術與推廣分享活動。目的是藉此群策群力來使該社團快速成長,以對台灣在雲端開源平台的貢獻,另外我們更希望該社群持有 Cloud Native 概念,並將此推廣至台灣企業、學校、政府單位等。更多資訊,請到 粉絲團關注。

Software Defined Network Develop Society TW (SDNDS-TW) 是由一群熱愛研究 SDN 相關領域的夥伴們成立的交流社團,在此社團內會交流眾多主題,從學界的學習研究到最新業界的發展與現況。社團內亦有多位 SDN 領域相關的開源貢獻者,期許透過交流能夠促進`SDN`在台灣業界/學界有更進一步的成長以及對該領域的貢獻。更多資訊,請到 粉絲團關注。

[關於 openSUSE Project]
openSUSE 計劃是一個全球社群的努力,用以促進Linux全方位的使用。openSUSE 創造了全世界最棒的 Linux 發行版本之一,並以開放、透明與友善的態度參與全球的自由與開放原始碼軟體社群。
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Friday, June 28, 2019
11:30 AM – 1:30 PM (UTC)


  • Phil Huang


    Senior Cloud Solution Architect

  • HungWei Chiu

    Technical Manager at TSMC

  • Gene Kuo

    Mirantis Inc.

    Technical Support Engineer

  • Rico Lin


    OpenStack Cloud Engineer

  • Yao De Fu

    Software Engineer


    Wizigo Inc.

    Site Reliability Engineer

  • Lung-Hsuan Hung

    DevOps Engineer

  • Johnny Sung


    DevOps Developer