Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

Cloud Native Wellington - May 2019 Meetup

Cloud Native Wellington

May 8, 2019, 5:00 – 7:00 AM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

Proud Venue Sponsor: BNZ
Venue: Bnz, 96, The Terrace, Wellington

Refreshments Sponsor: Rancher

Thank you Bnz & Rancher for the support to the Cloud Native Wellington Community.

04:45 p.m. - Door Opens
05:15 p.m. - Presentation Starts
06:30 p.m. - Closure

Talk 1: Cloud Native Applications - Challenges | Group/Panel discussion
Time: 30 minutes
Host: BMK

In this group discussion, community members will discuss common challenges faced in developing cloud native applications. 20 minutes discussion we as a group discuss the top challenges faced by organizations.

“Cultural changes with development team” was cited as the number one challenge in using & deploying containers today - August 2018 survey by CNCF.

Talk 2: Kuberenetes & Security best practices with demo
Time: 45 minutes
Presenter: Kelly Griffin, Rancher

Kelly heads up Field Engineering for Rancher in the APAC region spending time with Customers evangelizing Rancher, Kubernetes and the CNCF ecosystem. He spends time actively helping drive the adoption of Rancher to facilitate Kubernetes Management within Organisations in the region. Before becoming immersed in Containers, he has spent the last 20 years consulting for Organisations of many sizes around Technology adoption, Cloud Native services, and product management. In his spare time, he enjoys getting fresh air and is always on the hunt for “old school” skateboards to add to his collection.

Kubernetes provides many security-related enhancements and controls, but it is far from being secure by default. Kubernetes is a complex orchestration platform with many different implementations, across multi-cloud/hybrid environments. Configuring it to comply with security best practices and specific security requires time and expertise that most organizations don’t possess.

Aqua’s open source tools arm Kubernetes administrators and developers with an easy way to identify weaknesses in their deployments so that they can address those issues before they are exploited by attackers.

During this presentation, we’ll review how these open source tools offer preventive security for Kubernetes:

· Kube-Bench: checks a Kubernetes cluster against 100+ checks documented in the CIS Kubernetes Benchmark.

· Kube-Hunter: conducts penetration tests against Kubernetes clusters that hunt for exploitable vulnerabilities and misconfiguration - both from outside the cluster as well as inside it (running as a pod).




Wednesday, May 8, 2019
5:00 AM – 7:00 AM (UTC)


  • BMK Lakshminarayanan


    Lead Organizer