Meet us in Salt Lake City for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA · November 12-15

Chaos Engineering, Istio & KubeOne


Oct 21, 2019, 3:00 – 6:00 PM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

17:05: Welcome by Cloud Native Copenhagen
17:10: Welcome from tonight's hosts: Visma
17:15: "How to be (successful at being) wrong" by Russ Miles
18:00: Break with food
18:30: "Istio In Production" by Hans Duedal
19:15: "Building KubeOne: yet another Kubernetes cluster management tool" by Alexander Sowitzki
20:00: Goodnight!


TALK #1: "How to be (successful at being) wrong"
Speaker: Russ Miles, CEO at ChaosIQ

Being wrong is often seen as the worst thing that can happen™, especially when you architect, build, and run business-critical applications and services. But the increased velocity of modern software development, plus the increased need for systems to be resilient, reliable, and right has increased the pressure on teams, and in particular architects, exponentially. Never before have software owners had such an opportunity, or the power, to be wrong. We need to get better at being wrong.

Russ Miles discusses the tools and techniques he uses to turn inevitably being wrong into being successful at being wrong. Being wrong can be turned to your advantage, and Russ shares stories of how this has happened and also the challenges to look out for.

BIO: Russ Miles
Russ Miles is CEO of, where he and his team build commercial and open source products and provide services to companies applying chaos engineering to build confidence in the resilience of their production systems. Russ is an international consultant, trainer, speaker, and author. His most recent book, Antifragile Software: Building Adaptable Software with Microservices, explores how to apply chaos engineering to construct and manage complex, distributed systems in production with confidence.

TALK #2: "Istio In Production"
Speaker: Hans Duedal, Visma

War-stories from an eventually successful Istio production rollout, for machine learning workloads in the cloud.
We'll start by examining managed Istio, in particular GKEs "built-in" Istio, then deep dive on the traditional helm-deployed Istio. We'll see how added istio features like Kiali provides visibility into the smart plumbing of your services, and how we can use it, and other tools, to debug when things doesn't work (like you expected). We'll conclude with reflecting on how to best add a service mesh to your stack.

BIO: Hans Duedal
After a brief tenure as CTO of Visma e-conomic, Hans now serves as an SRE with Visma's Machine Learning Team, where he works on his favorite topic, making stuff scale and be fast. He also has a passion for computer games and networking, and on his spare time builds huge networks for DKs largest gaming event; NPF.

TALK #3: "Building KubeOne: yet another Kubernetes cluster management tool"
Speaker: Alexander Sowitzki, Loodse

We had a vision of replacing the various imperative tools we used before, with a new single tool that would allow us to manage our clusters in a cloud native way. We wanted to be able to declare clusters in form of a manifest, just like our workload, and have a tool that would bring us a ready-to-use cluster. There are many existing tools as well as solutions and that was precisely our problem. It's hard to pick the right one that would satisfy all our requirements. That’s why we decided to build a new tool atop of solutions like kubeadm and Cluster-API. This talk is about building a new cluster management tool and the challenges this presented us with.

BIO: Alexander Sowitzki
Living in Hamburg, Alex works as an SRE at Loodse and helps customers getting started with reliable and highly-available Kubernetes clusters. He joined the KubeOne project since he believes this project can help to jumpstart many other projects. Loving to combine embedded systems and clustering, his pet project is writing user space drivers that expose functionality to the cluster and run complex event processing with them. He also does things with less computers: Avionics, scuba diving, painting hardly recognizable things and ever changing special topics.



Monday, October 21, 2019
3:00 PM – 6:00 PM (UTC)


  • Jeppe Johansen



  • Jinhong Brejnholt

    Saxo Bank

    Chief Cloud Architect

  • Robert Jensen


    DevOps & Platform Engineering Consultant

  • Mathias Lorenz

    Software/DevOps Engineer

  • Peter Zander Havgaard

    Software/DevOps Engineer