Cloud Native Architecture at scale and a Fairytale of Databases


Apr 25, 2019, 3:00 – 6:00 PM

In-person event

About this event

Hi Cloud Native folks!

This time it's all about Cloud Native Architecture and Databases.

Join us as Søren Mathiasen presents Tradeshift's story about their journey towards creating an open source project, and Claus Thrane presents the architectural principles of running large scale clusters at Uber.

17:00 Doors open & Welcome
17:20 An architecture of minimalistic mechanisms - Claus Thrane, Senior Software Engineer at Uber
18:00 Break
18:30 A Fairytale of Databases - Søren Mathiasen, Director of developer productivity
19:10 Networking
20:00 Doors close

- A story about the journey on how I got to create an open source project. A fairy tale about Go, Kubernetes and databases. And how our hero got the idea to create something awesome, and perhaps in the end useful for other people.

The talk will take us on a journey from how a badly maintained infrastructure project, led us to a more streamlined setup in the magical land of Puppet and AWS. This setup turned out to be a very good way of deploying infrastructure components, but a bad way to deploy services, which led to the introduction of a Kubernetes project. Turns out when your services runs in Kubernetes they sometimes need databases, but since we were to scared of running databases in Docker another solution had to be made. Join me on this journey to the magical land of Go, Kubernetes, databases and the creation of an open source project.

- An architecture of minimalistic mechanisms.

In this talk, Claus Thrane will review some of the principles which have assisted Uber in designing global federation for a large number of Mesos clusters. The system has been designed for scale and provides highly available compute resources to Uber's platform.
To accomplish this, the architecture rests on a few minimalistic mechanisms shaped by a basic set of principles.



Thursday, April 25, 2019
3:00 PM – 6:00 PM UTC


  • Jinhong Brejnholt

    Saxo Bank

    Chief Cloud Architect

  • Robert Jensen


    DevOps & Platform Engineering Consultant

  • Mathias Lorenz

    Software/DevOps Engineer

  • Zander Hornung Havgaard

    Software/DevOps Engineer