Dear Cloud Natives,
we are planning to have our next meetup on the 8th of March. This time we focus on advanced usage of Cloud Native technologies, hence we are calling it Expert Night.
I'm pleased to announce our two speakers! First Hans Duedal, CTO of E-conomic will talk about his very interesting usecase of running network services like DNS on a bare metal Kubernetes cluster for a major Danish e-sport event.
Then Martin Westergaard Lassen of Humio will bring his Chaos Engineering talk to Copenhagen that he recently coauthored with Russ Miles, the leading expert on the topic.
Trifork is super nice for hosting us. Thanks for that.
1700 - Gates open
1730 - Welcome
1735 - Hans Duedal: Network Services on Kubernetes on-premise
1815 - Break
1830 - Martin Westergaard Lassen : Chaos Engineering
1915 - Community chats
Thursday, March 8, 2018
4:00 PM – 7:00 PM UTC