Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

Let's kick-off Cloud Native Copenhagen!

Cloud Native Copenhagen

Dec 12, 2017, 4:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

Dear CloudNative enthusiasts, 

It's time to have our first meetup! We have a confirmed location and date, so the first event is scheduled. Yay!

So check your calendars - we know 12th December is Christmas Party territory - and please RSVP.

As for topics, we think that we should cover the obligatory "What is Cloud Native?" question. Then Ewelina Wilkosz will present a community effort that aims to automate the Jenkins deployment process.

During the food break we will form "special interest groups" (SIGs) where we can discuss the announcements of Amazon's re:Invent and Kubecon/CloudNativeCon Austin. Think topics like Amazon EKS, and feel free to bring your topic of interest and find likeminded people.

Here is the agenda:

17.00 - Doors open
17.20 - Welcome from Cloud Native Copenhagen - Jasmine and Laszlo
17.30 - Welcome from TwentyThree
17.40 - What is Cloud Native?  - Laszlo Fogas
18.10 - Food break - group discussions
18.40 - Jenkins as Code - Ewelina Wilkosz
19.10 - Group discussions - continued
20.00 - Gates close

We are very much open to suggestions for talks, be that utterly vague or super specific. Please reach out to us for this meet-up or the next!

You can find the organizers Jasmine and Laszlo here in comments, or on the CloudNativeDK Slack channel. Sign up here:




Tuesday, December 12, 2017
4:00 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)


  • Jeppe Johansen



  • Jinhong Brejnholt

    Saxo Bank

    Chief Cloud Architect

  • Robert Jensen


    DevOps & Platform Engineering Consultant

  • Mathias Lorenz

    Software/DevOps Engineer

  • Peter Zander Havgaard

    Software/DevOps Engineer