"Phippy & Friends," which means we're embracing diverse technologies with no restrictions. This event is open to all, featuring various types of talks and catering to a diverse audience.
Date: 27th July 2024
Time 9:45 AM to 3:00 PM
10:00 AM: Welcome and Registration!
10:20 AM: CNCG Gurgaon recap by Pankaj Raghav & Monika Rajput
10:30 am: Talk #1: Hrittik Roy, Platform Advocate at Loft Labs
Title: Virtual Kubernetes Clusters: A New Approach to Multitenancy with vCluster.
11:15 AM: Talk #2: Vikas Kaushik, Lead Software Engineer
Title: Prometheus with Custom Metrics Exporter
12:00 PM: Talk #3: Arunim Chaudhary, Lead Founding Engineer at StackGuardian and Monika Rajput, Senior Data Engineer at AHEAD
Title: Guardrails to accelerate deployments
12:45 PM: Talk #4: Aakansha Priya, DevRel at EmpathyOps And Siddhant Khisty, Product Executive @ Devtron
Title: The core architecture of Kubernetes with the analogy of a nation.
1:30 PM To 2:30: Networking / Break & Who's hiring?
Developer Relations
Loft Labs
Platform Advocate
Senior Data engineer
Epam Systems
Lead Software Engineer
Product Executive
Lead Founding Engineer
Approver @CNCF, DevOps Engineer
Volunteer @cncfgurugram
Saturday, July 27, 2024
4:15 AM – 9:30 AM (UTC)