Moin Moin!
The Container Days are taking place soon and MaibornWolff and Isovalent are collaborating to warm you up with two talks diving deep under the hood of a OCI runtime and exploring new frontiers leveraging the Gateway API in Cilium.
Afterwards there will be time to socialize and catch up!
Starter: Welcome back, who we are, and how are you?
1st Talk (30min): Building a Minimal OCI Container Runtime by M. Schink
2nd Talk (30min): Gateway API GAMMA support in Cilium 1.16 by Christoph Puhl
The friendly people at MaibornWolff will host us and sponsor food and drinks. We will have enough time to socialize.
We hope to see you all in attendance!
Building a Minimal OCI Container Runtime by M. Schink
At this point probably every one of us has run the command “docker run …” at some point, but what happens under the hood? What is a container? Why do we need runtimes for them? This talk will scratch the surface of this container iceberg and will show how to do build them yourself (kinda)!
Gateway API GAMMA support in Cilium 1.16 by Christoph Puhl
This talk will give an introduction into Cilium’s Service Mesh capabilities and especially the support for Gateway API. We will explore the newly added support for Gateway API GAMMA in Cilium 1.16 which adds more advanced Layer 7 traffic management features for east/west traffic to Cilium Service Mesh.
We are looking for speakers & sponsors! Join the #cloud-native-hamburg channel on CNCF Slack to reach out to us!
Monday, September 2, 2024
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM UTC
Liquid Reply
Kubernetes 1.26 Release Team Lead
finleap connect GmbH
Senior Event & Field Marketing Manager