Hey, Hyderabad CNCFers, We are getting ready for the upcoming, CNCF January meetup.
Be sure to register for an awesome day of interesting sessions, ranging from Kubernetes Fundamentals to Monitoring and Service Meshes.
Below is the list of talks for that day:
1. Internals of Containers By Sandeep Venkata, Microsoft.
2. Networking in Kubernetes, By Tarun Pothulapati, Linkerd.
3. Traceable and safe deployments using Kubernetes By Sumiran Aggarwal, Microsoft.
4. K3S - Pushing Kubernetes to Edge, By Murali Paluru, Rancher Labs.
5. Intro to Cortex, By Ganesh Vernekar, Grafana Labs.
6. Continuation talk on Istio, By Vikas Choudary, Tetrate.
Thanks to [Rancher labs](https://rancher.com/) for sponsoring lunch, and [Microsoft](https://microsoft.com/) for the venue.
If you are planning to attend, please do register in the below form.
For any questions, Feel free to comment or email me at vineethpothulapati[at]outlook.com or
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Saturday, January 11, 2020
4:00 AM – 10:00 AM UTC