Meetup to share and discuss about cloud native and open source projects and technologies. We welcome people regardless of your background (tech or non-tech) to join our meetup to gain insights to what's happening in the cloud native and open source space
NOTE: To avoid duplication, please RSVP only once, either in here or at And RSVP "yes" only if you're able to attend the meetup in-person. If you've RSVP-ed "yes" and couldn't make it to the event, please revert your RSVP to "no"
Aiman Ismail
Site Reliability Engineer
Ruiguo Lai
Kong Inc.
Enterprise Sales
Khairul Anuar
Kong Inc.
Customer Reliability Engineer
Tuesday, January 30, 2024 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM (UTC)
Welcome note for Cloud Native Kuala Lumpur meetup. By the organiser
11:15 AM
Validating Admission Policy: No More Webhooks
Introduced as alpha feature in Kubernetes v1.26 and later bumped up to beta in v1.28, this new feature together with the new Common Expression Language (CEL) will make your life as platform operator much easier, We will take a look at this new feature and it's use cases for platform operators and security teams
11:45 AM
Lightning Talk
Do you have anything to share quickly? You can step up spontaneously and share with us
12:00 PM
Digital Acceleration with APIs
How APIs helps you accelerate your cloud journey by managing, monitoring, and governing connections between applications across on-premises, multi-cloud, and hybrid cloud deployments