We're back again in March for another meet-up. This edition will be sponsored and hosted by our friends at Booking.com, so please note the venue.
6:30pm - Food and drink, sponsored by Booking.com
6:55pm - Welcome
7:00pm - Under the Bonnet at Auto Trader (Dave Whyte)
7:45pm - Break
8:00pm - Demystifying Kubernetes Service Discovery (Nigel Poulton, MSB)
8:45pm - Wrap up, pub
· Under the bonnet at Auto Trader (Dave Whyte, Auto Trader)
Auto Trader have been on a journey, fully embracing the Public Cloud, migrating their applications onto Kubernetes in GCP and utilising Istio Service Mesh. They are on target to migrate everything, decommissioning all legacy application and then turning off the on-prem datacentres by the end of the year.
With the new platform, there is greater security, visibility and business agility.
Dave will give a live demo, taking a closer look under the bonnet at the inner workings from a Dev and Ops perspective. This will include creating an application, deploying it and supporting it from a Dev and Ops perspective.
Dave Whyte: is an Operations Squad Lead at Auto Trader UK and a Co-Organiser of the DevOps Manchester Meetup. Auto Trader is the largest digital automotive marketplace in the UK. Over the last 15 years, Dave has played a key part in continually evolving the IT Operations department which has resulted in enviable levels of stability, availability and performance. This has been achieved through the practical implementation of ITIL processes, embracing the benefits of the Public Cloud and adapting to ever increasing organisational agility.
· Demystifying Kubernetes Service Discovery (Nigel Poulton, MSB)
Abstract TBC
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
6:30 PM – 9:00 PM (UTC)